As a trusted community service, we strive to instil and inspire confidence in all we do for those we serve in creating meaningful impact.
We carefully ensure that our relationships with those we serve are grounded in trust, reliability, and stability. Also, we warrant that we perform to the highest standards for benevolent excellence.
Baino Social Impact is accredited by the Uganda Registration Service Bureau – 18 (3) of the Companies Act 2012 Non-Profit Organisation.
The Uganda Registration Service Bureau Standards® exemplifies the highest operational excellence and integrity standards in community philanthropy.
The accreditation process of Baino Social Impact was initiated and executed with rigour and expertise by the national accreditation body and remains a peer-driven effort that ensures accountability and compliance above and beyond legal requirements.
Community Impact
As your trusted partner in charitable giving, we are guided by the following:
Research and Knowledge
We build, store, and provide in-depth information through offline and online tools for donors, individuals, and organisations.
Collaboration and Connections
We actively identify ways to enhance the impact of individual, family, and group philanthropy through financial and material opportunities.
Community Solutions
We connect donors, individuals, and organisations of like minds and services to find and develop effective solutions, all while staying alert to emerging issues and opportunities.
We oversee funds and other forms of support for the cause, ensuring they are allocated and managed as intended.